Kel-Tec Sub CQB 9mm 16.25″ Barrel 17-Rounds Integrally Suppressed


The Kel-Tec CQB delivers exceptionally quiet shooting with an integrally suppressed barrel especially when paired with subsonic ammunition. Designed with personal and home protection in mind, the design is lightweight and easy to maneuver. It comes chambered in 9mm with a 16.25 inch barrel. Features include Picatinny rails for optics and accessories, a 17 round magazine, and the ability to rotate and fold up for easy storage even with an optics installed. All NFA laws apply. Get yours today at the best price online from GrabAGun!

SKU: GAG_RES-KTSUB2K9CQBGLK17BBLK Category: Tags: , Brand: